A few years ago I stopped everything I was doing and took a day just for myself. I love my family and I enjoyed my career as a nurse but the way I was living was not what I wanted. I was busy all the time never had any "me" time, often missed opportunities to spend time with the kids and was generally run down tired and exhausted. I was in a cycle of getting run down from the stress and demands of being a nurse and would spend may day off recovering just to repeat the same cycle and end up in the same place.
I came to a realization that I had no control over my life. My work schedule was dictated by the hospital and I could never plan ahead as I would have to wait for the schedule for my boss. After all, if there was an emergency it was you, your family, and your kids that had to come second. I realized that I really resented that especially when many of the emergencies were not really and often due to poor planning. This had to change it wasn't fair to me or my family to always be second place.
Defines the life they want to live
Creates the Career where they will thrive
Perfects the art of aesthetic medicine
Takes the road less traveled
I am an Aesthetic Nurse!
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Best Patient Comfort
Because nurses have an excellent ability to communicate and set expectations with patients.
High Profile Education
Detailed Training. Because of your medical knowledge special accelerated training programs exist to help use your skills to learn aesthetics
Meeting The Increased Demand For Aesthetic Procedures
Even if every plastic surgeon and dermatologist spent their entire day injecting there would not be enough providers for the huge increase in demand for aesthetics procedures. Aesthetic nurses meet this gap in the market.
High End Treatment
With the proper training you can used your medical skill set to introduce regenerative procedures and technologies into the field of aesthetics. "Where regenerative medicine meets aesthetic medicine is fastest growing area of medicine currently."
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